Jade satin pothos care

If you are a fan of pothos plants, the jade satin pothos (Scindapsus pictus ‘jade’) is a great variety to add to your collection. Similar to other satin pothos plants like the ‘Argyraeus’ and ‘Exotica’, this pothos variety is actually a part of the Scindapsus genus rather than the closely related Epipremnum genus like most pothos (golden pothos, marble queen pothos, jade pothos, and more). Nevertheless, it is commonly accepted as a pothos plant due to its similar appearance and care requirements.

Beloved for its large, thick, heart-shaped leaves and deep green coloring, the jade satin pothos add a touch of elegance to any indoor space. While it can be more challenging to find and acquire compared to some of its pothos relatives, and may be slightly more expensive, it is not considered particularly rare, and most houseplant shops or nurseries should carry it. However, pet parents should be aware that the jade satin pothos is considered toxic to pets if ingested.

Jade Satin Pothos Care

Pothos are known for being some of the easiest houseplants to care for, and the jade satin pothos is no exception. However, it does have specific requirements, particularly regarding light and soil conditions.


This pothos thrives in locations that receive plenty of bright, indirect light. Unlike other varieties of pothos, such as the golden pothos, the jade satin pothos do not tolerate low light conditions well. Insufficient light can result in stunted and leggy growth. However, it’s essential to avoid direct sunlight, as the leaves are susceptible to leaf burn.


Choose a soil mix that is rich, airy, and well-draining. A combination of equal parts indoor potting soil, perlite, and orchid bark mix is ideal and easy to make at home.


The jade satin pothos is sensitive to overwatering and can develop root rot if left in soggy soil. To prevent overwatering, allow the top two to three inches of soil to dry out between waterings. Use your finger or a moisture meter to test the soil before watering.

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Temperature and Humidity

As a tropical plant, the jade satin pothos requires consistently warm temperatures and average to high humidity to thrive. Maintain temperatures between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 29 degrees Celsius). While average household humidity levels are generally sufficient, avoid placing the plant near drafty windows or air vents, which can dry out the air and cause the plant’s leaves to develop crispy edges.


Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer once every three to four weeks during the active growing period (spring and summer) to support new growth. Stop fertilizing in the early fall months once temperatures begin to drop.


While pruning a jade satin pothos is not necessary, it may be desired to control its growth and appearance. Wait until the spring and summer months when the plant is actively growing to prune, and avoid pruning more than a third of the plant’s stems at a time. Always use sharp, clean pruning shears or scissors, and consider propagating the stem cuttings for new plants.

Propagating Jade Satin Pothos

Propagating a jade satin pothos from stem cuttings is straightforward and rewarding. Here’s how to do it:

  • Using sharp, clean pruning shears or scissors, take stem cuttings from a mature and healthy jade satin pothos. Each cutting should have at least three nodes and at least one leaf.
  • Remove the bottom leaves from each cutting to expose the stem and nodes, ensuring there is at least one leaf remaining at the top.
  • Place the cuttings in a small container filled with fresh, room-temperature water. The stems should be submerged while the leaves sit above the water’s surface.
  • Put the container in a location with medium to bright indirect light and refresh the water weekly. After a few weeks, roots should begin to develop from the nodes.
  • Once the roots are at least an inch long, plant the cuttings in a pot filled with a chunky, well-draining soil mix.
  • Water the newly potted cuttings thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain, and place them back in a bright spot. Keep the soil evenly moist for the first one to two weeks to help the roots acclimate to the soil.
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Potting and Repotting Jade Satin Pothos

Repot a jade satin pothos when it outgrows its container, approximately every two to three years. Spring and summer are the best times for repotting, as the plant is actively growing and less likely to experience shock. Choose a new pot that is only slightly larger than the previous one, and refresh as much of the soil as possible during repotting.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

While the jade satin pothos is not particularly prone to pests or diseases, it’s essential to keep an eye out for common houseplant pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, fungus gnats, and thrips. Regular pest checks can help catch any potential infestations early. Root rot is the primary disease to watch out for, typically resulting from overwatering and poor drainage.

Common Problems With Jade Satin Pothos

Despite being relatively low-maintenance, the jade satin pothos can experience a few common issues:

Yellow Leaves

This may indicate under-watering, insufficient light, pest infestation, overwatering, or low humidity. Adjusting growing conditions can help determine the root cause.

Brown Leaves 

Often caused by low humidity or too much sunlight (leaf burn). Ensure proper placement away from drafts and direct sunlight, and prune affected leaves if necessary.

Stunted Growth 

Lack of sufficient sunlight is usually the culprit. Ensure the plant receives enough indirect light, followed by proper fertilization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the jade satin pothos the same as the jade pothos?

While they share similar names, the jade satin pothos (Scindapsus pictus ‘Jade’) and the jade pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Jade’) are distinct plants, differing in leaf thickness and shape.

Is the jade satin pothos really a pothos?

Despite being part of the Scindapsus genus, the jade satin pothos is commonly referred to as a pothos due to its similar care requirements and appearance.

Is the jade satin pothos rare?

While it may be less common than other pothos varieties, it is increasingly available in plant shops and nurseries as its popularity grows.

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