How crooked teeth can affect your child

Your child’s smile is the first thing people see when they meet them. Their smile can also be a first impression of their personality and how they handle new situations. With that in mind, it’s not surprising that crooked teeth can significantly impact your child’s self-confidence. If your child has crooked teeth, they may begin to feel self-conscious about their appearance.

Crooked or malformed teeth are common in children because as they grow older, they start developing habits that may damage their teeth or make them painful to chew food properly. The stress caused by these habits may also cause a rapid decline in oral health, leading to issues with alignment as they progress through childhood and into adulthood.

How Crooked or Malformed Teeth Can Affect Your Child

Read on to learn more about how crooked or malformed teeth can affect your child:

1) Gum disease 

Plaque and bacteria can’t hide in nooks and crannies of straight, uncrowded teeth, which makes cleaning them more manageable. Crowded or crooked teeth create challenges in learning and maintaining good oral hygiene, often leading to poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis is a form of gum disease that occurs over time due to an ineffective dental regimen. Periodontitis, where the infection spreads to the bones and causes tooth and bone loss, can result from gingivitis if left untreated.

2) Crooked teeth can cause teeth decay 

You might be surprised to hear that crooked teeth increase your chances of developing cavities and tooth decay. It is more challenging to brush your teeth effectively if you have crooked teeth because crowding in the mouth is a common result of crooked teeth. As a result, you are unable to floss between those tight spaces. Thus, tooth decay is directly related to crooked teeth.

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3) Temporomandibular joint disorder

Wear and tear can cause crooked teeth to become misaligned, which can create malocclusions. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is often caused by excessive wear and tear. In addition to causing intense pain, TMD can cause the jawbone to lock during movement.

4) Crooked teeth may cause bad breath 

Food can get caught between teeth more easily when crooked teeth because brushing and flossing are more complicated. Bacteria buildup is caused by stubborn food particles that cannot be removed. Your breath will inevitably smell bad when food rots between your teeth. In addition to bad breath, tooth decay and oral disease may also be contributing factors.

5) Difficulty chewing 

It is difficult to chew when your teeth are crooked or crowded. Children need to consume various foods, and if they can’t chew vegetables or meat properly, they may miss out on essential nutrients. Additionally, if you feed your child only soft foods for a prolonged period, the strength or size of their jaw may not develop properly.

6) Speech issues 

The tendency to develop speech problems is higher when teeth aren’t aligned properly. Teeth crooked, overlapping, or twisted may affect your child’s tongue placement and allow excess air to pass between their teeth, causing them to whistle when they speak.

7) Crooked teeth tend to cause headaches

Chronic headaches are extremely susceptible to those with crooked teeth that misalign their jaws. TMD usually causes headaches. In addition to the head, the neck and the face can also experience pain. Some cases of migraines are so extreme that they are debilitating.

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8) Psychological effects

There is a possibility that your child may not smile as much and may even withdraw from his peers if he has crooked teeth. Although children may be reluctant to speak about their dental problems, they may ask questions and interact with you to understand what is wrong. According to one study, improving the physical appearance of teeth can enhance children’s confidence and help them engage in more social interactions.

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

There are many reasons why people have crooked teeth, but genetics is the most common. If you or your partner have ever had braces or any other form of orthodontic treatment, there is a greater chance that your child will be at risk for the same orthodontic issues. 

  • Thumb Sucking 
  • Prolonged use of pacifiers 
  • Tongue Thrusting 
  • Genetics
  • Facial Injury


Crooked teeth are one of the most common problems that children experience. Teeth can be straight or crooked, and sometimes they are both. The problem with crooked teeth is that they can appear unattractive and make eating and speaking more inconvenient.

The best advice you can give your child regarding crooked or malformed teeth is to see a dentist regularly. Small adjustments may be necessary to help your child straighten his teeth. If you suspect your child has crooked teeth, make an appointment with a dentist immediately. Getting treatment as soon as possible is essential to avoid potential health issues and complications.

A mouth full of healthy teeth will help your child avoid the potential problems associated with crooked teeth in the future. Consult the best pediatric dentist in kochi for all your dental requirements.

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